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Each Chinese folk tale conveys its message to you by way of strange characters and exciting plots. Talking animals, magic, imaginary beings and dragons are just a few of the elements that may be used to deliver a lesson within the plot of a historic Chinese story. This series of 20 stories, in the form of picture books reproducing the classic stories, broaden children's horizons and expose them to the traditional culture. In addition, many of the Chinese legends and tales we read today were not recorded on paper for hundreds of years. These stories were nurtured and kept alive simply by one generation passing the tale on to the next.

Chinese Folk Tales Set

S$22.90 Regular Price
S$16.00Sale Price
    1. 女娲补天 
    2. 精卫填海 
    3. 猴子捞月 
    4. 孔融让梨 
    5. 嫦娥奔月 
    6. 木兰从军
    7.  狐假虎威 
    8. 宝莲灯 
    9. 东郭先生和狼 
    10. 三个和尚 
    11. 大闹天宫 曹
    12. 冲称象 
    13. 盘古开天地
    14. 司马光砸缸 
    15. 鲤鱼跳龙门 
    16. 哪吒闹海 
    17. 八仙过海 
    18. 后羿射日 
    19. 岳母刺字 
    20. 武松打虎
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